Gaia Garden ships to locations within the continental United States or Canada by using Expedited Parcel service or Express Parcel service (additional charges apply). Online and mail orders are usually packaged within 5 business days after we receive your order, and then shipped. Shipping time depends on your location and will be estimated before you finalize your order:
Standard (Expedited) Parcel Service
Shipping Costs vary depending on location, weight or dimensions. Average standard shipping time to most USA locations is between 8-10 business days. Shipping times vary from 1-2 business days in BC up to 6 in most locations, and up to 10 in some rural locations.
Express Parcel Service
Express shipping available at your request (additional charges apply). Average express shipping time to the US is 4 business days. Express shipping within Canada times vary from 1-2 business days in BC up to 4 in most locations, and up to 6 in some rural locations.
Pick-Up Orders
Orders are prepared for pick-up at Gaia Garden, located at 2672 West Broadway. Orders are processed on weekdays only and typically take 2-4 days to prepare. Once your order is ready, you will be contacted and can pick it up any day of the week.
International Orders
Unfortunately, due to shipping restrictions, we cannot process international orders at this time. We can only ship your order to a location within the United States or Canada.
Customs & Duty
We indicate on our delivered packages the common necessary information in order to facilitate the smoothest and shortest customs clearing process. However, Gaia Garden is not responsible for any customs matters and duty charges that are applied in the customer’s country.